The best Image Compression tools for Web designers - By Girish Vasharambhai Bagadia

It's not really a big mystery that the number of web pages is expanding. We're including an ever increasing number of assets, slowing down sites, and destroying user experience.

However, despite the fact that we've recognized the issue, regardless we won't take responsibility. Rather, we incline toward coders to streamline their output — we ask them to drop useful libraries like jQuery, in light of the fact that it spares us 80kb. In the interim, we're designing sites with 1mb pictures.

Pictures are by a wide margin the greatest swell on sites. What's more, because of the sort of pictures they suit, JPGs are the greatest swell on the web.

10 Top JPG Compression Tools:

1. Compress Jpeg


3. Compressor

4. GiftOfSpeed

5. iLoveIMG

6. ImageRecycle


8. ImageSmaller

9. JPEGMini

10. Kraken


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